Outstanding Community Development

Vancouver Island Building Industry Awards | Urban Development Institute - Capital Region


This category honours projects that make a significant positive impact on the surrounding community. These developments prioritize community engagement, social responsibility, and sustainable practices, fostering a sense of belonging and enhancing the quality of life for residents and stakeholders.


UDI-CR's 2024 VIBI Awards are open to all UDI-CR Members in good standing. Nominees must have been UDI-CR Members for a minimum of six (6) months at the time of submission. Submissions for the VIBI Awards can be self-nominated or independently nominated. Qualifying projects will have gained occupancy between April 1, 2022, and April 1, 2024.

You will be asked to submit the project name and location, the developer's name and contact, a description of why the Nominee is worthy of this award (200 words), a project summary (500 words), and six (6) high-resolution photographs and/or multimedia.

Description of Nominees Worthiness
Project Summary